Mon - Sat 11am - 6pm & Sun 11am - 5pm
Retail or Wholesale, Call Terry!
360-920-3447 | TerryP@LummiSeafoodMarket.com

At Lummi Seafood Market and as Indigenous people of the land and waterways, we would like to share a collection of educational videos and information that help bring awareness, historical context, current challenges and curiosity to Indigenous-Native peoples in the Pacific Northwest Region, and including how we relate to the indigenous peoples around the globe. The information collected are a mixture of links, articles, pictures, literature, documentaries, videos and more. Please know this page is just a start and is an evolving collection. Also, let us know if you have any recommended contributions to this collection that we can share with other followers and supporters. We are more than happy to share. Email: TerryP@lummiseafoodmarket.com
Hy'shqe \^/ #ThankYou to those who have captured their knowledge to share with the rest of the world and to those who are learn with an open mind and heart about the beautiful and diverse cultures in the Pacific Northwest territories.
By Althea Wilson
Chief Tsilixw Bill James explains life at the village on the Nooksack river in an extended interview from Revitalizing Cultural Knowledge Honoring Sacred Water, the Oral History of the Nooksack River 2018 Producer/Editor Althea Wilson Dr. Emma Norman Northwest Indian College, BSNES National Science Foundation Nooksack River Project
By Freddie Lane for Children of the Setting Sun Productions
Qwel lhol mech ten • The people that live under the water
Introduction to Qwel lhol mech ten (the black fish aka killer whale) when in 1970, 8-baby black fish were stolen from the Salish Sea 'L' Pod family of the Qwel lhol mech ten, 'the people that live under the water.' Lolita's story chronicles the oral tradition told by Chief Tsilixw (Bill James), hereditary chief of the Xwlemi' (or Lummi) people whose usual and accustomed territories includes (what is known today) as the San Juan Islands. Lolita is the last surviving orca being held captive by Palace Entertainment's Seaquarium in Miami FL. Help us help her come back to her homewaters of the Salish Sea.
Our Rights: Indigenous Youth on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Voices on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Developed by First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth from across Canada who participated in the language of their choice, this video promotes their perspectives on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
For more information, go to:
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
Click on links to
"...adopted by the General Assembly on Thursday, 13 September 2007, by a majority of 144 states in favour, 4 votes against (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States) and 11 abstentions (Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burundi, Colombia, Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Samoa and Ukraine).Click here to view the voting record."
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples PDF

Indigenous Peoples Collective Knowledge & Shared History...
PNW Historical Context Of Indigenous Peoples:
Seattle Times | The Boldt decision’s enduring legacy, 50 years on
Rare Woolly Dog Hair Found In Coast Salish blanket by Burke Museum
Indigenous Peoples Around The Globe:
Indigenous Territories:
Significance Of The Potlatch Ceremony In The PNW
People - Lummi Legends: Cuomo Kulshan's Last Potlatch - by Pauline Hillaire Legends Told By Her Father, Kwul-Kwul-'tu
Potlatch Ban - by Living Tradition The Kwakwaka'Wakw Potlatch On The Northwest Coast
Potlatch Means "To Give" - by Living Tradition The Kwakwaka'Wakw Potlatch On The Northwest Coast
Our Masks Come Home - by Living Tradition The Kwakwaka'Wakw Potlatch On The Northwest Coast
Potlach Tour - by Living Tradition The Kwakwaka'Wakw Potlatch On The Northwest Coast
Banning the Potlach - The Edge of the World: BC's Early Years | Knowledge Network
Tribal Canoe Journeys:
PNW Indigenous Native Leaders, Speakers, & Artists:
Chief Leschi (Nisqually)
Chief Joseph (Nez Pierce)
Native Indigenous Films by Native Producers:
Articles & Literature told by an Indigenous Lens:
Articles & Literature About The Indigenous Peoples of PNW:
Orca Shared Waters, Shared Home By Lynda V. Mapes A co-publication by Braided River and The Seattle Times
Lummi hereditary Chief Bill James leaves lasting impact on Whatcom Museum
Pearl Little (1913-1983)
In Re Estate of Little
Special Insert from the Lummi Nation
Native American Wives of San Juan settler
Lummi Businesses:
Lummi Nation - Business Directory